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These days your business website is often the first impression new potential customers will have of your business. So it really makes sense to spend some time thinking about how best to present your business information, products or services and also how visitors to your new website will interact with this...
Hits: 60100
A little while ago I was chatting to a client about advertising. Specifically, print advertising. He was contemplating running an advertisement in a well known mens publication but was battling to justify the cost - about R40k. His main concern was around tracking how effective the advert would be. Without placing...
Hits: 26061
In our previous post (Reason #1: Perception) we discussed the huge amount of people trawling the internet consuming information. The internet is all about communication. It has opened up a variety of channels to get your message out there. We consumer more information more often than ever before. This is why...
Hits: 8781
So why do you have a website? Think about it. Most people don't. It seems to usually fall under the business essentials checklist: Logo, Business cards, Website. All too often a website is just there because "Our clients expect us to have one". Few people actually take the time to think...
Hits: 22126

Firstly I would like to introduce myself, my name is Paul John Gioio and I am the SEO strategist and operations manager at Beyond Design. I decided to write this article to lend some insight on SEO and how you should approach your SEO strategy for driving traffic to your website. Although the terms used in SEO can be confusing at times, I've decided to keep them as simple as possible so that even entry level online marketeers can understand and use the information to formulate a simple SEO strategy for their website or websites. So before I get started I would just like to say thank you for taking the time to read and I hope that you can gain something that can used in your SEO strategy.

Hits: 59078