Target Marketing   Have you heard the term; Target Marketing?  And have you actually explored its awesome potential to increase your profits and exposure?  Perhaps we should start at the very beginning and explore exactly what Target Marketing really is. Definition: Target Marketing involves breaking a market into segments and then...
Hits: 22698
Did you know that all marketing is emotionally driven?  When you watch an advert on TV, such as a fast food advert, pay attention to when they advertised this product to you.  I guarantee it was at breakfast, lunch time or just before dinner time.  Why do they do that? ...
Hits: 43665
The Rule of 1% is simply defined as adding to your customer service one percent at a time. Before you can do this you must have your consistency perfected or it will never work. This one percent may seem small, but if you approach the vision for your company with...
Hits: 11373
Why is cash flow so important? Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. Cash is absolutely critical in the growth and well being of a business. Business owners must plan and prepare for all future events and market changes. The most important aspect of planning is effective cash flow management....
Hits: 54947
Why starting small may be the right thing for you? “Big dreams, to do big things” These word simply describe just how each and every one of us entrepreneurs start off. Most of us want to change the world, bring an innovative product into the market that will grow into a...
Hits: 16194
I'm sure most of us know about the phenomenon that is group buying, with the likes of Groupon, Living Social and a host of others out there taking advantage of it. There's one thing that these sites have proven, which is something that has been known all along and that is...
Hits: 13676
A little while ago I was chatting to a client about advertising. Specifically, print advertising. He was contemplating running an advertisement in a well known mens publication but was battling to justify the cost - about R40k. His main concern was around tracking how effective the advert would be. Without placing...
Hits: 25774
I hate complaining. I really do. So when I do express my dissatisfaction with a product or service, you should know that I have had a monologue going on in my head for quite a while. I have infuriated myself to the point where I have to either verbalise it...
Hits: 41498

Early this week I found out about yet another friend in the marketing industry that has been retrenched.  Not just herself, but the entire marketing team of 4 people - one of which has been with the company for 20 years.

Hits: 59582

I've been so busy starting blogs, designing logos and 'Facebooking' all my new clients that I've taken ages to get around to starting my own, but after reading a post in a marketing forum today I thought "I have to write something about this today!"  So here we are.

The post was made in a small business forum and asked the million dollar question - 'how do small businesses and start ups market on a limited budget'.  If I had a penny ...

Now before impart my great wisdom to the cyber universe, I'd like to say that I don't have a marketing degree. I have never worked for a huge multinational with hundreds of thousands to spend on flash marketing campaigns.  I've learned what I know from a career in the hospitality industry (where you engage with your customer 24/7).  It slowly progressed into a career helping businesses learn to market themselves, not just their products.

Hits: 36473