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Why have a website? Reason#2 Communication

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In our previous post (Reason #1: Perception) we discussed the huge amount of people trawling the internet consuming information. The internet is all about communication. It has opened up a variety of channels to get your message out there. We consumer more information more often than ever before. This is why online marketing is evolving at such an enormous pace.

The truth is this: more people are trying to find your website than ever before. Simple fact. Personally, I'll Google something before I would look anywhere else. Of course I'm a 'techie' but then so are most people out there. It's far easier to use a smartphone to find a product / service / restaurant etc than to phone someone or look in the Yellow Pages.

This is where communication comes in; or rather, Online Strategy. What message are you sending to your audience? Are you actively using your website to build trust? How often are you updating it and how else are you communicating with your prospects online? Twitter? Facebook? Stumble Upon?

The simple truth is that people are more likely to trust your brand if they know more about you and your product/service. Here's a basic example: I am in the market for a new lawnmower. I find two companies online. Company A shows their product with a brief description. Their website was last updated in 2009 as far as I can see and contains the bare minimum information - About Us, Products, Contact. Company B, however, shows all the information about their lawnmower from colours to power to technical specs and a multitude of images. Their website was created this year and includes a blog / tutorial section which gives me useful information on how to mow and care for my lawn. They have a dealer locator and even a Question & Answer page.

Naturally, I will purchase Company B's lawnmower. Because I now know all the information I need to make an informed purchase. I feel confident that they will back up their product and should I have a problem, I can ask a question online without having to visit the store and waste my Saturday morning.

The fact that Company B took time to communicate with me ensured that I was well informed and confident in my decision to use their products. Now that I have my lawnmower, I have also registered online to receive their very useful fortnightly email newsletter telling me how to care for my lawn and lawnmower through the various seasons. They also take the opportunity to cross-sell a weed-whacker and some pruning shears. I sometimes visit their Facebook page to see what others have to say and participate in their "Discussions" tab.

You see your website should be used as a gateway to communicate with your prospect. It is about building the relationship that will last. Done correctly it is your National and International sales force and aftermarket care division rolled in to one.

So the question is, what are you using your website for?

Article originally appeared on www.hykano.com

Simon is a South African Entrepreneur who has devoted his professional life to all things digital. Having worked across continents, he finally settled in South Africa where he launched HYKANO, a creative online development agency with a focus on lead generation through digital marketing.
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