A snippet from my new group on Facebook: Entrepreneurs United.  Please join me if you want to stay up to date on similar self-help articles: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Entrepreneurs-United/303075119784673

Outcome: The goal of this series of articles is to find the quickest, simplest and easiest method to create a clear over-all understanding of all the steps needed to achieve a goal. 

In short: A Visual Business Plan

Yesterday I mentioned the idea of mind mapping your projects or even your business so that you can achieve a clear over-all view of all the steps involved to achieving your goals.  (I will include this article shortly).

So I promptly headed out to the nearest store, purchased 10 yards of paper and a million highlighters and then plastered my entire office wall with mind maps.  The process was exciting at first but all I ended up with were more lists - only this time they were splattered around a center point as opposed to jotted down in one of my many note books I have lying around. 

So after I 10 minutes of fighting through rolls of paper I had lying all over the floor and desk, I went back online and found this; online mind mapping software that not only allows you to map your documents stored on your PC - but also to create goals and project plans!  I have just downloaded it and will keep you updated as I go!  Download it for FREE here: http://www.thebrain.com/c/personalbrain/?c=32

Until next time, Happy Marketing!
