Wellness Program Implementation suggestions

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Wellness programs are becoming increasingly popular in the workplace, as employers realize the direct correlation between healthy employees and overall company happiness. Having healthy and happy employees leads to increased productivity, reduced sick leave, reduced health care costs and higher talent retention. Although organizing wellness programs for employees will require time and money, the investment will be worth it. Increased time demands, pressure to meet rising expectations and fear of retrenchment can cause excessive workplace stress. Feeling overwhelmed impacts confidence and mood, and it can also lead to physical and emotional health problems.

We suggest you as a company:

  • Set up a health and wellness in the workplace committee and have them take responsibility for implementing the selected ideas for health promotion activities
  • Designate a wellness coordinator for implementing action plans
  • Allocate a budget for health and wellness in the workplace activities
  • Develop good employment practice and policies, e.g., communication systems; training and personal development; supervision, appraisal and mentoring; attendance / absence management; equal opportunities; return to work/rehabilitation for people with illnesses or disabilities; time off for career responsibilities (children, other dependants); job sharing; flexi-time and flexible hours / days; dealing with harassment and bullying; grievance procedure; disciplinary procedure
  • Include health and wellness in the workplace activities in managers’ objectives
  • Link green transport issues with opportunities for physical activity – walking and cycling to work
  • Assess the needs for different kinds of health and wellness in the workplace activities

Health and Wellness in the Workplace: General health activities

  • Health and wellness seminars / discussions – with guest speakers
  • Wellness information – notice boards, leaflet racks, information points, wellness handouts
  • Regular supply of specific information / leaflets to all staff individually via wage slips, email
  • Participate in national health and wellness in the workplace campaigns
  • Health and wellness in the workplace articles in regular staff newsletter
  • Employee Health and wellness newsletter
  • Awareness raising, workshops, training sessions on health topics
  • Training in team building, assertiveness, time management, communication skills
  • Health promotion videos playing in waiting areas
  • Health and wellness in the workplace awareness days or events
  • Brief sections on health awareness in health and safety training and first aid training
  • Health policies and procedures – alcohol and substance use, general health and well being, healthy eating, HIV/AIDS, physical activity, smoking, stress and mental health
  • Health Risk assessments to take account of health and lifestyle related behaviours
  • Paid time off for staff to go for employee health screenings (via GP or other facilities, rather than at work)
  • Give employees some paid time off (a certain number of hours per month or year) to pursue activities they feel are good for their health
  • Share health and wellness in the workplace activities and resources with other local workplaces
  • Allow staff with back or musculoskeletal problems paid time off to attend appointments with physiotherapists or other health professionals

Health and Wellness in the Workplace: Alcohol and Substance Abuse

  • Policy for all staff to raise awareness of issues
  • Training for all involved in implementing the policy
  • Support and referral for staff with an alcohol or substance use problem
  • Information about agencies and organizations dealing with alcohol or substance misuse problems

Health and Wellness in the Workplace: Healthy Eating

  • Ensure healthy options are available in canteen / vending facilities
  • Training for catering staff
  • Negotiate with local restaurants or cafes to provide some healthy options
  • Allow staff to take paid time off for appointments with dieticians about any eating problems
  • Let staff eat or drink at regular intervals if they need to as part of medical treatment for various eating disorders or diabetes

Health and Wellness in the Workplace: Physical Activity

  • Encourage people to use stairs rather than elevators
  • Provide marked routes, with distances, for walks during breaks
  • Provide bicycle racks, showers and changing facilities: to encourage people to cycle to work or to do some physical activity during breaks
  • Allow people to arrive 5 or 10 minutes late and leave 5 or 10 minutes early (without loss of pay) if they walk or cycle to work
  • Arrange for intra-company games and sports teams
  • Provide an onsite fitness centre
  • Provide onsite group exercise classes like yoga, tai chi or similar sessions before work / in lunch breaks / after work
  • Arrange corporate memberships or negotiated reduced fees for local health clubs and facilities

Health and Wellness in the Workplace: Smoking

  • Policy on smoking and protecting staff from passive smoking
  • Total ban in the workplace to provide a smoke-free environment
  • If smoking is allowed then restrict it to designated smoking areas
  • If smoking is allowed then restrict it to designated smoking times
  • Help for staff who want to give up smoking: paid time off to attend stop smoking counselling or group sessions
  • Training for volunteers who want to help others to give up smoking

Health and Wellness in the Workplace: Stress and Mental Health

  • Stress audit to identify problem areas / jobs
  • Develop a stress action plan to tackle problems
  • Awareness raising sessions for all staff on recognizing stress and mental ill health symptoms in themselves and others
  • Training for managers, supervisors, trade union representatives on recognizing stress and mental ill health symptoms in themselves and others
  • Avoid stigmatization of people who have taken time off or sick leave for mental health reasons
  • Relaxation, aromatherapy, yoga or similar sessions before work / in lunch breaks / after work
  • Counselling service in-house or referral to outside agency
  • Rehabilitate back into the workforce anyone who has been off sick with mental health problems
  • Encourage social activities among work colleagues


Our online stores will offer you products to procure as a company to enhance your wellness and well being in your workplace, at home and generally in your life. If you have a studio, wellness centre or place where employees gather, why not look at our wide variety of items available to you to start enhancing your wellness.

Sport and Fitness Wellness

Meal Replacement and Vitamins for well being

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