Web Design & Online Marketing

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Know your statistics!

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One of the first questions I ask a potential client is: "How much traffic does your website receive and where is it coming from?" Okay that's two questions. The answer is almost always the same: "We don't know / How do I find that out? / Can you actually do that?"
It's distressing to know that so few people pay attention to their website or even know what their website does for them.

Website StatisticsSpeak to any company involved with the internet and they will tell you (ad nauseum) that online marketing is the way of the future. It's the truth. The reason for this explosion is due to the statistics. Every interaction is measurable and the amount of data that can be captured is limitless. It therefore makes sense that you should know your websites statistics intimately, after all, your website should be the centre piece for your online marketing strategy. Knowing how much traffic you receive and where it is coming from will allow you to mould your website in to a powerful tool that will be an asset to your business rather than another cost. Measuring the ROI of every effort is key to understanding your customers and prospects and what turns a prospect in to a customer.

Website Analytics allow marketeers to examine online behaviours and make adjustments accordingly. Simple adjustments can result in a big change. Creating a landing page with a simple form to capture details can result in a huge uplift in lead generation. Examining the most common content can result in valuable insight in to your end user. Understanding where your traffic is coming from will guide you in your marketing efforts. Creating Goals and Funnels will allow you to create a better user hourney and identify problem areas in the sales cycle.

This information was once available through expensive market research companies but is now freely available through a variety of online tools. The numbers are where the value lies. Understanding them will increase your ROI and prove to be a valuable asset in terms of product devlopment and sales strategy.

Simon is a South African Entrepreneur who has devoted his professional life to all things digital. Having worked across continents, he finally settled in South Africa where he launched HYKANO, a creative online development agency with a focus on lead generation through digital marketing.
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