Precious metals have, for all time been a serious hedge against inflation, but why now more than any other time in our past? Many monetary specialists are predicting a major happening in world currency this year (2011).

It is a happening that will forever change the way we, global citizens, live our everyday lives. It will effect every phase of our lives and the price we pay for ALL goods and services.


For as long as we all remember, the US Dollar has been the standard to which all other currencies are measured. With the deflation of the value of the US Dollar in foreign markets, caused mainly by the Federal Reserve printing more and more dollars with NOTHING to back them up with, the US Dollar stands precariously on the edge of losing its status as the standard currency in the world. When this happens, the dollars we hold will DRAMATICALLY lose their valus. Precious metals stand as our best hope of manitaining anything that resembles our currently lifestyles.

Gold has long been the metal of preference and hold the most ' Glitter ' value. Gold id still a good choice, but a far greater undervalued metal is Silver. Gold stands on the edge of doubling in value again this year, but Silver has the potential to quintiple or greater this year according to many financial experts. And, if the predicted downfall of the US Dollar happens, the growth in value of ALL precious metals will skyrocket! Previously Gold and Silver, has been only for the wealthy and has been far too costly for the average person. Until now!

The QLxchange core product is a Silver savings account and it is the parent company too the OneX program. Hence, the OneX program is a seed or feeder program to the loftier goals of QLxchange. Through OneX (the feeder program), QLxchange aims to increase our success, and the success of those that we bring into the business.

The business model for QLxchange is very involved. In the beginning you will enter a 3 x 9 structure, but you will NOT be limited by the normal constraints of a matrix. This plan has a dynamic structure, which is expandable in every direction. As time passes and growth occurs, it will certainly not be recognized as the simple 3 x 9 it was in the beginning. It will provide EVERY member the means to obtain financial success.

The OneX Program, however, is the seed money and the first of many profit centres in this elaborate, innovative and potentially very rewarding business model. By far, the most attractive feature of OneX, is the miniscule once off out of pocket expense of $5.00. OneX pre-registration launched worldwide on 17 June 2011. Currently, the program is still in this phase with the next phase ( funding ) expected to start in the last week of June 2011. Registration is mandatory to lock your position in this matrix.